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关于stadying overtime的英语作文-


战争与和平War and Peace
Volume Rank voluminous Tolstoy novel. Great scenes, many characters, known as the "world's greatest novel," an extraordinary achievement. "War and Peace" come out so far, has been referred to as "the world's greatest novels."
“近千个人物,无数的场景,国家和私人生活的一切可能的领域,历史,战争,人间一切惨剧,各种情欲,人生各个阶段,从婴儿降临人间的啼声到气息奄奄的老人的感情最后迸发,人所能感受到的一切欢乐和痛苦,各种可能的内心思绪,从窃取自己同伴的钱币的小偷的感觉,到英雄主义的最崇高的冲动和领悟透彻的沉思— —在这幅画里都应有尽有。”作者对生活的大面积涵盖和整体把握,对个别现象与事物整体、个人命运与周围世界的内在联系的充分揭示,使这部小说具有极大的思想和艺术容量。 这是托尔斯泰创作的第一部卷秩浩繁的长篇小说。 作者把战争与和平,前线与后方、国内与国外、军队与社会、上层与下层连结起来,既全面反映了时代风貌,又为各式各样的典型人物创造了极广阔的典型环境。作者对人物的描写形象既复杂又丰满,常用对比的艺术方法来表述,体裁在俄国文学史上是一种创新,也超越了欧洲长篇小说的传统规范。
"1,000 individual objects, many of the scenes, national and private life of all possible areas of history, war, all the human tragedy, all kinds of passions, and at all stages of life, babies come from the world's dying to measure emphasizes the elderly Feelings of the final burst, people can feel all the joy and pain, possible inner thoughts, from the theft of his own money in the sense of thieves, to the heroism of the most noble impulse and a thorough understanding of meditation - - in this Paintings are in everything. "Author of life and covers a large area as a whole take on the matter as a whole and individual phenomenon, and the fate of individuals around the world to fully reveal the internal relations, so that the novel has a g reat deal of thought and artistic capacity. This is the creation of Tolstoy's first volume rank voluminous novel. Author of war and peace, and the front line in the rear, domestic and foreign, military and society, the upper and lower links, both to reflect the style of the times, for a variety of typical created a very broad typical environment. The author describes the character of the image of the complex and rich, often contrasting approaches to artistic expression, the genre in the history of Russian literature is a kind of innovation, but also goes beyond the traditional norms of the European novel.

1, what interest hobby do you have?
I compare like the basketball, most likes the basketball star is Carter. Also likes Yao being bright very much, he plays a ball game now in US.

2, how please chat you to let the computer confined network be safer?
The computer network security first takes a highly effective stable server, is very important regarding the server choice and the maintenance. Next is a firewall, because very many data must through server sharing, a clean non-toxic environment especially be important regarding the data security. In order to achieve this goal, should avoid on as far as possible the terminal the personal data use, every so often some computer virus all are cause by some not well-known data inflow. And restores regarding the data backup very is also important, to the data backup, may collapses after the system restore frequently in the shortest time to the initial condition.

3. if you need 6 or Sunday work overtime in the week, you can think the work is very arid? The request unit pays the overtime pay for you?
I did not oppose to working overtime, even if in the week 6, the date must account for day-long relaxation time. The work is first. Regarding the overtime pay, I in thought if is I plans the matter not to complete, is far from the overtime pay the question. But if is hospital request working overtime, I hoped the hospital may defer to the correlation stipulation payment expense.

4. please chat you to this hospital first impression?
First I thought this hospital environment is very good, very peaceful. Although the place is not big, but appears very neatly, for human one kind of very warm feeling. Here has very many foreigners, should faces the foreign friend's hospital.

5. has read your resume, you do not have the work experience, you thought you may be competent this work?
I in university's study process, also have grasping to the specialized technology which stands up to the most rigorous test. Not only regarding the network aspect knowledge is the schoolwork request, also is my interest. If may obtain this share to work I to believe I can be competent.

6. travels on official business in your family to be able frequently to have the opinion, your family members all some who?
I already grew up now, the parents body was all good. The family aspect cannot have any negative factor to affect mine work. My family member is 4 individual, parents, I, but also has my grandfather. Grandfather this year 78 years old.

7. you can use skilled regarding the office software?
I may use skilled regarding the OFFICE series software, in school period can use WORD,POWERPOINT frequently to complete some electronic work.

8. you hoped how much money is the monthly salary?
My goal is about 2000 Yuan, but this is not absolute, I hope obtain an opportunity.

9. has rewarded in school period what?
The custom result is fine, does not have buliang the record, obtains 3 and so on the scholarships 2 times, excellent league member 1 time.

Stadying overtime坚定的加班
Stadying overtime is a big problem.坚定的加班会是个大问题。I think it will give you some health problem.我觉得它也给人们带来了健康的问题。So I was not approve for this.所以,我不赞成过度加班。I think that the body is the first important stuff,if you have had the good body,you can do anything.我认为第一,加班对身体不好。And I also think that stady overtime you will haven't to much insprit to do something,and not efficient.并且我也认为过度的加班导致了不能够使人集中注意力在你的工作上(因为已经过于劳累),(这么说来它)也是没有效率的。I think that if you have had more work,you can stady overtime,but not often.我认为如果你有更多的工作,你可以坚定的决定加班,但是,不是经常。If you also can't finish your work,I think that you should be pay attention to taking your working skills,got some experience,you also can ask for your colleauge.如果你还是没有完成你的工作,我觉得你应该需要注意你的工作技巧和得到一些好的工作经验,你也可以请教你的同事。But if you come to a new company,I think that perhaps you should be work overtime for two months to six months.I don't like working overtime too much,but I think that sometimes is ok.But you should be try to finish your work at your working time,I think that it's a good idea.但是,如果你来到了一家新公司,我想可能在2个月到6个月的时间里,过度加班是需要的。我不喜欢过度的加班,但是,我认为有时候适当的一些加班还是需要的(若你无法及时完成你的工作)。但是,我觉得你应该还是要尽可能的在你的工作时间完成你的工作,我想它不失为一个好点子。


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