星空5G 导航


中译英 我能为你做些什么吗?~

What can I do for you?

1,They are having dinner with the door open.
2, The result is satisfactory [satisfying]basically.
3, Either my father or my brother will come to my home.
4, Recently because of the worsen health situation, she decided to go on a diet.
5, I haven't been to the cinema for more than a year.

马春松伯伯 Dear Uncle Ma
你们平安到家了吗? I hope you have reach home safely?
对了,忘了跟你们讲我是谁了 Oh,sorry.I forget to tell you (let you know)who I am.
我是马映娜 I am MaYingna
我爸爸是玄 My father is Xuan
记起来了吗? Have you remembered me?
收到了请回``Please write to me if you recevied this letter.Thanks.
Send my family's love with the letter.

Best wishes


Uncle Ma Chunsong:
Have you got home safely? well, I forget to tell you who I am.I'm Ma Yingna, and my father is Xuan. Do you remember it? If you receive it ,Please reply to me.

Ma Yingna

Dear Uncle Ma Chunsong,
Have you arrived home safely? and i forget to tell you i am Ma Yingna. and my dad is Xuan.do you remrember ? give me a letter back after you got it.

Uncle Ma Chunsong,
Have u arrived home safe and sound?
Oh, nearly forget to let u know who I am.
This is Ma Yingna, and Xuan is my Daddy, get it?
Please response upon receiving.

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