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The fast-paced life has turned us into machines, doing overloading operations so everyone need a rest and go to travel with relatives or friends. I think QingDao is the best choice.

QingDao is reputed for its elegant mountains, clean air, blue water, white beach and green trees. Are you feeling the wind from the sea?.That is like a lively girl, she crawl up to kiss your feet when you are lost in admiration of the

Beautiful scence, when you sip a mouth of it ,it tastes a little salty.

As known as Seashore Pier, Southern Sea Pier or Big Marina, the Jutting Pier is a symbolic structure of Qingdao,which was first built in 1892. when Zhang Gaoyuan, Commander of Dengzhou, stationed troops in Qingdao, in order to facilitate the transportation of military supplies and anchor the warships of the Northern Navy, a 344meter long simple pier wasthen built on the southwest coast. The dyke connecting the cosdt was built by laying stones,and the fore part of the pier was built of steel paved with wood. The building materials were remainders of Lvshun Boatyard, Northern Navy. In 1894 when Li Hongzhang made his second inspection tour to Qingdao, he gave a high praise for the Jutting Pier and called it an Iron Pier in his memorial to the throne. Hereafter, the Jutting Pier was also called Navy Pier, Seashore Pier and Navy Iron Pier. In 1900, the pier was destroyed by a typhoon, in 1901 when Germany occupied Qingdao,the Jutting Pier was rebuilt and used for freight transporting. When the Dagang Port was completed, the Jutting Pier was opened to the public. In 1923, a park was developed around the Northernend of the pier. From September 1931 to April 1933, the pier was rebuilt of steel concrete, extended to 440 meters long and 8meters wide. A semicircular seawall as built at the end of the bridge.

Now, the Jutting Pier has become a famous attraction and symbolic structure of Qingdao. After the founding of People Republic of China, Qingdao Municipal Government has paid much attention to the maintenance and protection of the Jutting Pier. In the 1950s, the Water Returning Pavilion was once called Sino USSR Friendship Pavilion. In the daytime, the Pier is frequented by stream of visitors, who are leaning on the railing and overlooking the charming sea. When the night falls, the colorfully decorated lights are turned on, glorifying the bridge.

Zhan Qiao pier is at the southern shore of Qingdao off Zhongshan Road. This now 440 meter (1,443.6 ft) long strip stretches into the sea and was the first wharf at Qingdao. An octagonal pavilion called the Billowing Back and Forth Tower (huilan ge), loosely translated, stands at the end of the pier and was constructed in 1930. The pier itself was started in 1891 and frequently enlarged. Zhan Qiao Pier is viewed in the eyes of many as the official symbol of Qingdao as it was made famous by being placed on the label of the Tsingtao Brewery beer bottles and the front of cans.

Also in the vicinity of Zhan Qiao Pier is the small Qingdao Island (Xiao Qingdao), the Qingdao Navy Museum, and many neighborhoods featuring German colonial architecture. The coastline lights up at night with spotlights on nearby buildings and several neon billboards.

The trestle and Huilan Pavilion, namely Qingdao trestle, commonly known as Qianhai trestle, Nanhai trestle and grand wharf, are located at No. 12, Taiping Road, Shinan District, Qingdao, Shandong Province. 

They are located on the north side of Qingdao Bay and across the water from little Qingdao. They were built in the 17th year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty (1891). They are known as "Changhong leads far". 

They are the first artificial Wharf in Qingdao in modern times One of the most representative and well-known urban landmarks.





对于以前的一些英文很棒的权威也有的本身就是老外做出的翻译,我却有不同的意见。。。长城,故宫,孔俯,崂山,都应该用音译,非要弄的那么复杂,如果老外说Great Wall,很多中国人都不知道说什么,如果有人在青岛问路去崂山的,那应该说 LAOSHAN,一般人看他的表情就能明白了,可如果他说LAO mountain,谁知道他在说什么呢?

  The fast-paced life has turned us into machines, doing overloading operations so everyone need a rest and go to travel with relatives or friends. I think QingDao is the best choice.
  QingDao is reputed for its elegant mountains, clean air, blue water, white beach and green trees. Are you feeling the wind from the sea?.That is like a lively girl, she crawl up to kiss your feet when you are lost in admiration of the Beautiful scence, when you sip a mouth of it ,it tastes a little salty.
  As known as Seashore Pier, Southern Sea Pier or Big Marina, the Jutting Pier is a symbolic structure of Qingdao,which was first built in 1892. when Zhang Gaoyuan, Commander of Dengzhou, stationed troops in Qingdao, in order to facilitate the transportation of military supplies and anchor the warships of the Northern Navy, a 344meter long simple pier wasthen built on the southwest coast. The dyke connecting the cosdt was built by laying stones,and the fore part of the pier was built of steel paved with wood. The building materials were remainders of Lvshun Boatyard, Northern Navy. In 1894 when Li Hongzhang made his second inspection tour to Qingdao, he gave a high praise for the Jutting Pier and called it an Iron Pier in his memorial to the throne. Hereafter, the Jutting Pier was also called Navy Pier, Seashore Pier and Navy Iron Pier. In 1900, the pier was destroyed by a typhoon, in 1901 when Germany occupied Qingdao,the Jutting Pier was rebuilt and used for freight transporting. When the Dagang Port was completed, the Jutting Pier was opened to the public. In 1923, a park was developed around the Northernend of the pier. From September 1931 to April 1933, the pier was rebuilt of steel concrete, extended to 440 meters long and 8meters wide. A semicircular seawall as built at the end of the bridge.
  Now, the Jutting Pier has become a famous attraction and symbolic structure of Qingdao. After the founding of People Republic of China, Qingdao Municipal Government has paid much attention to the maintenance and protection of the Jutting Pier. In the 1950s, the Water Returning Pavilion was once called Sino USSR Friendship Pavilion. In the daytime, the Pier is frequented by stream of visitors, who are leaning on the railing and overlooking the charming sea. When the night falls, the colorfully decorated lights are turned on, glorifying the bridge.
  At the Jutting Pier, we can enjoy various attractive sights such as Water Returning at the Pavilion, Listening to the Tide at the Pavilion. Extension of Rainbow and Moon Might at the Pier, which Were reputed as one of the 10 Sights of Qingdao as well as the 24 Top Sights of Qingdao City in the 1930s. Numerous scholars and men of letters have left behind a lot of poems and lines in Praise of the pier. It is a famous seashore attraction frequented by visitors. At the peak season, the daily tourist arrivals are above 200 000. It is a must for the VIPs, important officials and famous celebrities when they visit Qingdao.
  Follow me please. Let us climb the stairs and overlook far into distance. A good place for sightiseeing. You can take photos here.

Pre-sea bridge is the symbol of Qingdao, initially built in 1892, after alterations and renovations, a total length of 440 meters, visitors walk on the bridge, the waterfront, we can see Qingdao Bay type such as meniscus, trestle may Changhong lying waves, back to Lan Ge sparkling Health fai. Bridge construction has the nation at the southern end of the octagonal style of the so-called "Changhong far cited," "Back to the World Court", "flying back to Lan Ge," meaning that this is known as one of Qingdao sites. Distance, such as small-Qingdao compact Lo, shadows dancing on the island, thick shade, a white lighthouse arch. Bay on the eastern side and northern side of the tree-red add radiance to each other, various types of construction vary scattered distribution in the slope above the Cape. Bay on the west side of the modernization of high-rise buildings close to the coast where they stand, magnificent qualities. Along the breakwater from the granite structure, 10 meters above the surface. High tide, the waves the shore, sparking white spray簇簇attracted numerous visitors to watch; at low tide, the rocks and gold color Hyok Beach; exposed surface of the water, the beach full of sea-pickers out of the visitors.


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