星空5G 导航


~ 一,

76. Living out in the country, she felt very cut off from her city friends.住在乡下,她觉得很切断从她的城市的朋友。
77. That child is the apple of his father’s eye.那个孩子是他父亲的掌上明珠的眼睛。

78. He resigned his position as he did not see eye to eye with his immediate superior on a number of important matters.他辞职了,因为他没有亲眼看见他的顶头上司眼睛在许多重要的事情。

79.I have gradually become a faithful spectator, for what I think I see in sports is the process by which young people become mature men and women.
80. I can’t find the file I need because they‘re all out of order.我找不到文件我需要因为他们都是坏的。

76. It is impossible to identify and isolate an “English” culture that is common to all the speakers of English.那是不可能的鉴别和隔离一个“英语”的文化,所有的演讲者是常见的英语。

77. A President should be imbued with a sense of responsibility for the nation.

78. Parents can help teens focus by making education relevant to their lives and by understanding how they learn best.

79. Science has developed no cure for envy, so our wealth boosts our happiness only briefly while shrinking that of our neighbors.

80. At first they refused but I managed to bring them around to my way of thinking.


76. It’s not for nothing that scientists are in such a footrace to get the human genome mapped.

77. He is a hypocrite, a liar, a thief—in fact, he is the greatest scoundrel I ever know.

78. Some organisms are beyond saving because they can no longer reproduce in the wild.

79. Her mother waited on him as long as she lived at home.

80. She never took her eyes off the stage for a moment.她从未将目光从舞台上一会儿。

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  • 答:哪个英汉互译软件好用?推荐词典网。词典网是一个英汉互译工具,适用于需要频繁进行中英文翻译的用户。以下是对其推荐的理由的 1. 准确性高。词典网采用了先进的技术,能够准确翻译多种领域的专业词汇,确保翻译的准确性和可靠性。这对于学生、学者、商务人士等需要精确翻译的人群来说,是一个重要的优势。

  • 帮忙翻译一下 (中英文互译)
  • 答:1 他在北京住了5年 2 现在雨下得很大 3 英格兰全年没多大阳光 4 The begger did a handstand-singing as return.5 A Chinese students to England to learn English.

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  • 答:沿着道路,越走越远,他们路过一群老人,他们斥责农民让他的儿子骑在驴背上,并且说,他应该自己骑着驴子。顺着道路,走的更远了,他们碰到一些游客,他们说,“你们如果想卖掉这头驴,就应该载着他走,不然,这头驴将会精疲力竭,最后一文不值。于是这个农民和他的儿子,把驴子的腿绑在一根木杆上...

  • 中英文翻译
  • 答:1. a call/message/conversation 2. 很快好起来

  • 请帮忙做几个很简单的中英文句子翻译。200分。
  • 答:我以为你回家了。I thought you went home.上周我听了一场音乐会,这是我听过的最好的音乐会。I went to a concert last week.It was the best convert I've been to.昨天下午等所有的学生交了卷我才离开。I did not leave school until all the students handed in their test papers yest...

  • 中英文翻译,要求绝对要正确
  • 答:英译汉。1. The weather was really nice, so we were outside.天气非常好,所以我们出来了。2. They didn’t turn up until 11:30 this morning.直到中午11点半他们才露面/来。3. I do gymnastics occasionally during the week.周末我偶尔会练练健美操。4. I go jogging every morning ...

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  • 答:我最近体验过的一款实用的手机在线翻译工具——语音翻译器,对于需要中英文互译的你来说,它是一个不错的选择。该应用提供了语音翻译和文本翻译两种模式,互译功能强大,你可以根据需求自由切换。操作过程相当简单:首先,打开“语音翻译器”,选择你偏爱的翻译模式,无论是语音播放还是文本输入,都能满足你...

  • 中英文翻译(中翻英)
  • 答:I live in countryside three houses, has a room in first. They respectively are the restroom, the living room, the dining room, the kitchen.2nd the place which is my family member lives, there altogether have three bedrooms and a studio, I rest in a smallest bedroom, three ...

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  • 答:点击完成,翻译结果会立即显示在屏幕上,并以语音形式播放出来。如果你需要反复听取,只需点击文本框上的喇叭图标即可。对于从英文到中文的翻译,只需切换到相应的英文标志按钮,同样进行录音并完成,翻译后的中文文本和语音会同步出现。这款工具不仅能够精准翻译,还让跨语言沟通变得更加直观和便捷。

  • 中英互译翻译
  • 答:常见的互译软件 1、中译英: deepL 专业翻译都会用的翻译工具,尤其很多专业性强的文章也能准确翻译,除中英互译外,小语种和英文的互译也做得很好。2、英译中:搜狗 搜狗翻译是最常用的国产翻译工具,这个软件翻译过来的文章也是符合中文语法习惯的,对于很多专业性强的内容也能很准确翻译过来。3、中英...


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