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求翻译~~ 不要在线翻译的答案~很简短的~~

给出的答案基本都一样啊,挺好选的,就是Greetings from the southeast coast of China.

这算得上是idioms(惯用语)了,一般用来表示强调以及吃惊的感觉,相当于“How amazing!”,另外后面都会有内容的。

比如:As I live and breathe, I've never seen a more beautiful view.


1. After all, eighty was a special birthday, another decade lived or endured just as you chose to look at it.
2. We do not tell each other what is disturbing us. The result is emotional difficulty of one kind or another.
3. People ask what college I attended, what degree I have, and what qualifications I have to be a writer.
4. Mr. Hobbs was worried that his plant was getting too big and inefficient, so he asked me to come in on a short-term basis as a consultant.
5. Bursting into her room like this, I have robbed her of the pleasure of seeing me astonished and delighted on Christmas day.
6. This sampling was all that was left him from the time when he could afford to come and select his favorite pudding.
7. Venusian scientists managed to land a satellite on the planet Earth, and it has been sending back signals ever since.
8. As the young people shouted, Vingo slowly rose from his seat and made his way to the front of the bus to go home.
9. Of the guests, none except the American notices this or sees the boy place a bowl of milk just outside the open doors.
10. His talent as an author was soon discovered and when the time came to write the Declaration of Independence, the task of writing it was his.
中译英: 15%
Mrs. Smith often complains to me that she often finds it virtually impossible to communicate with her 16-year old girl.
She rather reluctantly agree to let a young doctor to operate on her.
I really hope you man come up with a better solution than this one.
He told a story to showcase the reason behind never signing any contract with first looking carefully at its terms and articles.
What do you think a scientist must do in order to keep abreast with the latest development in this field?
John has grown up, so he is no longer afraid of staying at home alone.
Many American parents set aside an education fund for their kids even they are not born yet.
He has been busy writing that story the whole morning, only stopped occasionally to drink a cup of tea.
I am very lucky to have learned many different skill when I was young.
A truck rolled into the snow-covered campus of the school.


1. After all, eighty was a special birthday, another decade lived or endured just as you chose to look at it.
2. We do not tell each other what is disturbing us. The result is emotional difficulty of one kind or another.
3. People ask what college I attended, what degree I have, and what qualifications I have to be a writer.
4. Mr. Hobbs was worried that his plant was getting too big and inefficient, so he asked me to come in on a short-term basis as a consultant.
5. Bursting into her room like this, I have robbed her of the pleasure of seeing me astonished and delighted on Christmas day.
6. This sampling was all that was left him from the time when he could afford to come and select his favorite pudding.
7. Venusian scientists managed to land a satellite on the planet Earth, and it has been sending back signals ever since.
8. As the young people shouted, Vingo slowly rose from his seat and made his way to the front of the bus to go home.
9. Of the guests, none except the American notices this or sees the boy place a bowl of milk just outside the open doors.
10. His talent as an author was soon discovered and when the time came to write the Declaration of Independence, the task of writing it was his.
中译英: 15%
Mrs. Smith often complains to me that she often hardly finds a way to communicate with her 16-year old girl.
She reluctantly agreed to have a young doctor operate on her.
I really hope you will have a better solution than this.
He told a story to clarify the reason why you should never sign any contract before a careful reading about its terms and articles.
What do you think a scientist must do to keep up with the latest development in this field?
John has grown up and is no longer afraid of staying at home alone.
Many American parents set aside an education fund for their kids even before their birth.
He has been busy writing that story the whole morning except stopping occasionally for tea.
I am very lucky to have learned many different skill when I was young.
A truck rolled into the snow-covered playgroung of the school.

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