星空5G 导航



JI ):Think how dead, I help you.

The show is just:Slow, kill I can, however have to explain first, do I die exactly in the whose hand?

JI:Useless talk, I ah.

The show is just:My …… is the …… who ……

JI :I how can anyone know you is who?

The show is just:( smile)The problem came.

JI ( A head of fog water):What mean?

The show is just:This get from the person and cosmos of relation started speak to have, in your body always there will be a problem to tie up to round you.

JI :What mean?

The show is just:I, is who?

JI :This, I have already known.

The show is just:Not, you do not know.Do you know, who you are?Does the JI have no life?Not, this is just a name, a code.You can call the JI have no life, I can also call the JI have no life, they can.After taking the code away, who are you again?

JI :I do not know, I also need not know.

The show is just:Good, good, that you answer again my nother problem:Who am I?

JI :This problem has already asked.

The show is just:Not, I just now what to ask is an ego, what to ask is the ego now.

JI :This have what differentiation?

The show is just:Raise an example, be I carry on the dialogue with my this code at the same time, your code also is I, this mean what?Whether this means that you are I or not, and I am also your ……

JI :This problem nothing important meaning.

The show is just:That ask a few meaningful.I living from come, die go toward where?I why to appear here in the world?What does my emergence mean to this world?Is a world to choose me, still did I choose the world?

JI :Enough …… !

The show is just:Do I have the inevitable contact with of the cosmos?Does the cosmos have the end?Does time have the length?Where is past time disappearance?Is future time again where stop?I does the problem put forward in this a moment is still the problem that you speak of just now?

JI :( The heads are all big)I killed you!

Show just high shout:Is who kill me, but who did I kill again?

JI :Is it I that kill me?

The show is just:Answer the exactitude!Begin!
, The Guo side gred smiles the finger … the …Guo that the side sprinkled to infuse to cut to shine on to see the potted plant … … concern Guo immodesty lane pain to wipe perspiration the …… for affability, two people move the flower pot but want together run in opposite directions contend for rob, fighting each other the …… to wish to go in to jump to yell to stop the Guo suddenly and violently hence with wish to entwine to take advantage of an opportunity to move out the flower pot Guo and wish to see the form part on bad terms the ……

21:08 【 10 back yards soon afterward 】MO ,Lu, Bai, Li

After kick of Mo return to house three people are tricky to be arrive at by the big hall before whetting the dish
Lu Qinghou:Does the shopkeeper cordage get ready ?
Bai, Li:Get ready
Lu Qinghou:( Bite the two people's ear) did the …… hear understand?
LI DA ZUI:Clear … white is understand she want to be not to connect to do where?
White exhibition hall:That arrives for the langlang langlang she connects the …… beginning langlang -
Lu Qinghou:( Imitate 《 Hamlet 》 part) the …… To be, or not to be that is the question. Whether' the tis nobler in the mind, the to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, the or to take arms, the against a sea of troubles, and by opposing end them. To die,to sleep,no more...And by a sleep to say we end the heartache and the thousand natural shocks that flesh is heir to!'Tis a consummation devoutly to be wished. The To die, the to sleep … To sleep, perchance to dream. Ah! There's the rub! For in that sleep of death! What dreams may come...!
White exhibition hall:Beat!Say what trick?
LI3 DA4 ZUI3:Your … you not are to scold us?
Lu Qinghou:( Low)The Shakespeare's classic soliloquy!
LI3 DA4 ZUI3:Who … who … who is a Shakespeare?
White exhibition hall:( Blunt lens)1 follow a your little bit whole son of great drama of our coetaneous England, we can hear understand of words!
LI3 DA4 ZUI3:Is you also have to let small shell hear understand
Lu Qinghou:Have to hear understand …… on the hoof and still don't live this is a problem ……
White exhibition hall:( Finger woman the badroom's window side) top there the langlang go to
Lu Qinghou of:( Walk to the window side) is the …… a brutal poisonous arrow of silently tolerate destiny?Or stand the body to resist the limitless distress of human life conflict, sweep them a clean?These two which more noble

As they said chu ni byo is awkward
Unwilling to recall the time of chu ni byo
Want to erase the memories
Is this freak completely disappeared?
Those who always have delusion about he is being under watched
And put on the set
Man who is completely stick into the role
Men sometimes will be saying nonsense
Imaging the world will changes in an instant
Thinking about the distant future
Depicting a vigorous love in brain
These all keep repeating in a man’s life forever
The endless repetition
悲伤 害羞却又可爱
Sad, shy and cute
The disease that named “self-awareness surplus”
The self’s undetourable road.
Such a thought is deeply right
Indeed, human live in chu ni byo in life forever.

我是富土康三号流水线的张全蛋 i am Michelejack from the third flow line in Futukang
英文名叫Michelejack my English name is Michelejack
法文名叫霍雷呆-杰Q赖 my French name is Hélodie Jaqueline
我的工作是组装手机 my job is to packing cellphone
那些大牌子的手机啊 these famous cellphones
都是我们代生产的 are all produced by us
什么samsong啊 like samsung
洛ki拉啊 Nokia
阿普啊 Apple
华强北啊 Huaqiang North
我都有摸过 i have already touched them
我是我们流水线的纪检员 i am the leader in out flow line.
那根据不同商家的要求啊,肯定是不一样的。 since there are different business, the requirements are different
像我们这种国际化的enterprise like the international enterprise like us
对质量的要求肯定是very的high have very high requirment on quality
毕竟我们也算是半个外企嘛 at least we are half of a foreign business
做的东西肯定是nuibilityde the products must be very good(niu bi)
像素高屏幕大电量足跑马灯 high pixel, big screen, well electricity supply and Draw Marquee-LED Banner(from baidu)
哈哈哈哈哈 hahahahahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
小米手机是怎么检测的呢 how do we check the MI
我们就用一根温度计 we will use a thermometer
这就是thermometer just this thermometer
如果小米手机的开机温度低于85摄氏度的话 if this MI cellphone have temperature lower than 85 degree when we turn it on
就说明这部手机是不合格的 then this is a fail cellphone
那就要打回去重做 we will send it back to produce again
我是怎么检测锤子手机的质量的呢? and how do i check the Hammer cellphone?
作为有情怀的国产手机 as a patriotism cellphone
质量一定要过硬 it must have a hard quality
一锤子下去 we will use the hammer and pound in it.
完好无损的那些才可以放到市场上无售卖 we can only sell the cellphones which didn't broke
所以我到现在都还没有看到哪里有卖 so i didn't find any places to sell it
哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 hahahahahahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
我喜欢的人是 the people i loved
4号流水线的李小花 is the Xiaohua Li in the fourth flowline
她正在和2号流水线上的赵铁柱谈恋爱 she is falling love with Tiezhu Zhao in the second flowline
赵铁柱他们班最近在代工那个什么 what are Tiezhu Zhao and his class doing now?
applewatch嘛 just Apple watch
他每个月连奖金总共有三千两百多块 his salary and prizes each month are three thousand and two hundred.
她是因为钱才跟他在一起的 she falling love with him just because of money
他连QQ会员都不是 he even is not a VIP in QQ!
那个苹果婊 that apple b***h
stupid! stupid
苹果这个没有质检这个环节 Apple don't even have a checking point
就算iphone多烂你们都抢得头破血流嘛 no matter how worse the Apple phone is you guys would like to buy it
还用质检条毛啊 then why do we checking it?
那个applewatch那么烂 that apple watch is such a worse things
你们还不是那肾来换 that you would like so sell your kidney to buy it.
啊买了个表买了个表 ahhhhhhhh buy a watch buy a watch (F**k your mother)
哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 hahhahahahahahahahhhhhhhhh

I am a rich soil, the no. 3 line Zhang Quan eggs

English named Michelejack

French named HuoLei stay - jie Q lai

My job is to mobile phones

The big brands of mobile phones

Are produced by our generation

What samsong

Los ki pull.


Huaqiang north!

I have touched

I am a JiJianYuan our line

That according to the requirements of different businesses, affirmation is not the same.

As we this kind of enterprise internationalization

It must be very high to the requirement of quality

After all, we are half a foreign company

Do things must be nuibilityde

Pixels high screen large power entertaining diversions

Ha ha ha ha ha

Millet mobile phone is how to test

We'll use a thermometer

This is the thermometer

If the millet mobile phone boot temperature below 85 degrees Celsius

This phone is not qualified

That is about to play back and redo

How do I detect a hammer of the quality of the mobile phone?

As there are feelings of domestic mobile phone

The quality must be good

A hammer down

Intact those can only be done without selling on the market

So I still don't see where to have sell

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

I like of the person is

Xiao-hua li 4 line


She is in love with 2 lines tie-zhu zhao

Tie-zhu zhao their class in the contract that recently


He even bonus every month a total of more than three thousand two hundred pieces

She didn't together with him because of money

He is not even a QQ member

The apple Biao


Apple's no quality inspection this link

Even if the iphone more rotten rob the wall, all of you

Also with quality hair

The applewatch so bad

You are not the kidney to change

O bought a watch bought a watch


Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

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