星空5G 导航



a c a c c a


1.___A___ are going to take the National
College Entrance Examination this year
A. Tens of thousands of B. Tens upon thousands of C. Tens in thousands D. Ten thousands of
2 .My parents want to go ___A___ on vacation.
A. somewhere peaceful B. dangerous somewhere
C. somewhere boring D. fascinating somewhere
3 I advise you _B___ hard.
A .study B.to study C. studying D.studies

4 She _D___ answer questions in class, because she is
afraid of ____ mistakes.

A.doesn’t dare, to make B.doesn’t dare, make C.dare not,
to make D.dare not, making

1.__Tens of thousands of students____ are going to take the NationalCollege Entrance Examination this
2 .My parents want to go ___somewhere peaceful___ on vacation.
3 I advise you __to study __ hard.
4 She __doesn't dare to__ answer questions in class, because she is afraid of _making___ mistakes.这题给的选项都不合适。A.doesn’t dare, to make B., make C.dare not,to make D.dare not, making

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  • 答:1.___A___ are going to take the National College Entrance Examination this year A. Tens of thousands of B. Tens upon thousands of C. Tens in thousands D. Ten thousands of 2 .My parents want to go ___A___ on vacation.A. somewhere peaceful B. dangerous somewh...

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  • 答:1. C sure 表示肯定的回答 2. C 感谢光临 3. C 4. D mind sb doing sth,本题也可以用 mind me calling 5. 选A on another occasion 在另外一个场合 6. 选A be aware of sth 然后of 后面跟一个地点状语从句 7. 选B be similar with 固定搭配 与…… 相似 8. 选B 考察非限...

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  • 答:1 选择 A, 这道题很有迷惑性,我看大家都想当然了,以为是the same with. 这里考的词组时 be true for , be the same true for ...是表示和什么一样。句中省略了with the birds 完整的讲是 and the same with the birds is true for some insects. 谓语是is 说明insect不是主语,这里...

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  • 答:10. 两个数的最大公约数是8,最小公倍数是48,其中一个数16,另一个数是( )。 二、选择题(将正确答案的序号填在括号内):20% 1. 下面式子中,是整除的式子是( ) ① 4÷8=0.5 ② 39÷3=13 ③ 5. 2÷2. 6=2 2. 在2/3、3/20和7/28中,能化成有限小数的分数有( ) ① 3个 ② 2个 ③ ...

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  • 答:1. 在IP网络上进行通信时,需要给主机定义惟一的 c 2.关于程序和进程,以下哪种说法是正确的?b 3.为了支持各种信息的传输,计算机网络必须具有足够的带宽、很好的服务质量与完善的 c 5.WWW客户与WWW服务器之间的信息传输使用的协议为b 7.多个VLAN组成的一个局域网中以下哪些说法是正确的:a 9....

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  • 答:1.His proposal enjoyed great popularity and he wao elected by an absolute C.大多数,赢得多数票,洋建议获得好评 a.number b.figure c.majority d.minority 2.We must___our journe until the weather improves.B推迟,知道天气好转 a.define b.delay c.advance d.accelerate 3.I___the mo...

  • 几个英语问题,高手来解答一下吧。
  • 答:因为提问者问的就是这头和那头 ,就是2选一 。所以回答的人,说你可以自己看着办,喜欢坐哪头就哪头。neither ”两者都不“ 它的搭配短语是 neither... nor ...意思是既不。。也不得意思。这里表达的是肯定提问者得提问,所以不能选 either是两者中的任一个的意思。 all的意思的全部...


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