星空5G 导航


~ 分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习

1、He is the only one of the students who___C___a winner of scholarship for three years.

A、is B、are C、has been D、have been

2、I'd appreciate___B___if you would turn the radio down.

A、that B、it C、this D、you

3、The president's speech was___A___boring;it is,in fact,rather inspiring and interesting.

A、anything but B、nothing but C、no more

D、all but

4、People have planted a great many trees in order to___C___wind and sand in the desert.

A、hold down B、hold on C、hold back D、hold out

5、The new dictionaries are very useful.They___A___well and______already.

A、sell;have been sold out B、sold;had sold out

C、sell;sell out D、are sold;have been sold out

6、He is such a lazy man___C___nobody wants to work with______.

A、as;him B、that;/ C、as;/ D、whom;him

7、So loudly___A___that everyone in the class could hear him.

A、did he speak B、did he spoke C、spoke he

D、he spoke

8、It is___B___he often fails in exams______makes his parents worried about him.(这句是个什么句式)

A、what;that B、that;that C、that;what D、which;that

9、There is little we can do about it,___B___?

A、is there B、isn't there C、can we D、can't we

10、——I'm afraid I must be off now.


A、You are nice B、That's all right C、What a pity?

D、Won't you stay a little longer?

11、He did not care___B___what his friends thought about him.

A、more than B、any more C、no longer D、no more

12、I knew the lady___C___Bill when she spoke of a bright young boy.

A、refers to B、refer to C、was referring to

D、is referring to

13、He won't even be able to___C___his own family.

A、get away from B、get away with C、get along with

D、get though with

14、Who has the lights___C___all day?

A、burned B、to burn C、burning D、be burning

15、The sun heats the earth,___B___the air to rise and the winds to blow.

A、caused B、causing C、causes D、to cause

16、It is reported that 9.5 million of high school students took part in NMET this year,___C___are from He'nan province.(为什不选A)

A、one tenth of which B、one tenths of which

C、one tenth of whom D、one tenths of whom



1 因为主语是he 是第三人称单数

2 it 做形式主语 记住这个例子举一反三就行了

3 nothing but 是简直就是的意思,anything but是一点也不是的意思

4 词义限定 考察词组意思

5 常识性问题,记住例子就可以了SELL WELL 而不用被动

6 such as 固定搭配 with后不能再加him否则和nobody重复

7 常识问题,so 这样的副词短语前置,用倒装

8 当一完整句子要当一个名词用时要在前加that即主语从句 然后考察的是it's that 的强调结构~~~

9 记住例子就可以了

10 为什么不选C ??这是文化差异的问题,中国人可能就会用C来表达。。。记住就可以了

11 他再也不在乎他朋友对他的看法了,not any more 固定搭配

12 首先把现在时态的A D都排出,根据when表明是正在谈论,,,选C

13 词义限定,get along with 与...和睦相处,在...方面进展,(多指虽有困难)仍继续使用,应付...取第一意思

14 表示持续性动作用V-ing

15 表示伴随动作也用V-ing

16 首先就要排出有which的项,因为主语是人!!!然后分数表达是这样的,如果分子是1那么分母就用单数,只要分子大于1 分母就要用复数,如2/3 是o thirds


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  • 几道选择题,大家帮忙解释一下
  • 答:希望大家多多帮忙,谢了!!!解析:1 因为主语是he 是第三人称单数 2 it 做形式主语 记住这个例子举一反三就行了 3 nothing but 是简直就是的意思,anything but是一点也不是的意思 4 词义限定 考察词组意思 5 常识性问题,记住例子就可以了SELL WELL 而不用被动 6 such as 固定搭配 with后不...

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  • 答:为了去公园,(作为基准),我花了3个小时,这种语法用多了,lz也有培养出语感的。第四题原型应该名词(短句)を动词。所以か是将を前面的句子,使其成为一个短剧,か也同时带有疑问语气。意思是这个句子的语境是一个人让另个人,(飞机什么时候到达)把这原话拿去问机场员工。这样连接才比较自然。


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