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Some people access benefit by cheating and utilzing friends. They never care about their friends and only take them as tools.Once friends are of no value,they will leave them and never take thier feeling in their hearts.

Fake friend are easy to find and easy to loose, but real friends are the hardest to find and hardest to loose.


  • 各位会英文的大神们,帮忙翻译一下这几句英文,说的是什么意思,帮忙翻译...
  • 答:翻译:亲爱的顾客你好:这是一个自动的回复,谢谢你的电子邮件。我们的邮件服务时间是从星期一到星期五。我们会在3天之内回答你的请求。诚挚的问候 (服务的名称)

  • 求大神会英文的老师帮我翻译中文
  • 答:大家好,今天是个特殊的日子。很高兴在这里和你们见面。现在我们的项目要开始了,你们准备好了吗?和我一起开始吧

  • 用英文翻译该段落:谢谢各位英语大神了,不要用百度或有道翻译!
  • 答:With the rapid development of global economy, international trade is also further expand and improve, international shipping plays a more and more important role in it and speeds up the development of international logistics and transport at the same time of promoting global economic growt...

  • 请英语学得好的大神帮忙翻译一下句子,谢谢
  • 答:1 terrorist federal.2.被吓到了吧!2 scared!3.尽量满足我吧,蠢货!3 as far as possible to meet me, asshole!4.大声呼救吧!没人会来的!4 shouted for help! No one would come!5.如果你还想多活几年,我奉劝你从我的地盘上下去 5 if you want to live a few years, I advise ...

  • 麻烦各位英语大神帮忙翻译!!!
  • 答:4, responsible for business telephone marketing work; check, update the information of customers and customer service tracking; assist the Department Manager of business acceptance work; customer demand for services to provide solutions; the company's business promotion 希望采纳。谢谢 ...

  • 各位大神,帮忙翻译几句英语, 1,促进文化交流,让人们更多地了解当...
  • 答:development. 3, improve the living environment, improve the quality of life. 4, destruction of the natural environment, creating serious pollution. 5, a massive influx of tourists, causing traffic jams.以上为两种不同又差不多的翻译。希望能帮到你!参考资料:= =用翻译工具翻译的 ...

  • 跪求会英文的大神帮助翻译出汉语的读法
  • 答:我叫王权森,今年17岁,我从中国东方航空公司青岛美术学院毕业,现居青岛。我曾学习过钢琴,兴趣爱好是音乐。我曾经学过5年舞蹈。ps,这句话毫无语法,看上去像翻译软件直接复制下来的

  • 请教英语大神们,这句话怎么翻译成英文
  • 答:poor可以在这里指名词,所以没什么问题。mountainous在中文那句话中并没有提到,加在英文翻译里做形容词把地点描述的具体一点其实也可以。如果只要直翻的话,直接说weastern areas就行(我个人觉得mountainous加进去句子比较通顺)

  • 麻烦各位大神帮忙翻译句英文
  • 答:You always say sorry to me , but never try to make it up.You always apologize to me, but never wanna change yourself You always say sorry but never change.You always make an apology to me , but not a little bit is ever changed.You are not willing to make up your ...

  • 英语大神们会英语的帮回答一下,技术交流群英文可以根据百度翻译的这样...
  • 答:用technology communication group比较好,exchange 是交换的意思,你这里侧重交流沟通,缩写的话主要是你们群成员自己能看懂就好了,先让他们知道全称,然后用首字母缩写别人就清楚了


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