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哪位大虾帮我把下面的话翻译成英文 。。。一定要准确哦 。。-


This paragraph of time feels happy very much being able to cooperate with expensive department , thanks strong support and composition of expensive department also very much , hopes that the hereafter can chance having cooperation. The Zhu Gui company is growing steadily at the same time.


I know many people like to sleep during the holidays, usually because of work and are busy learning, and few holidays, people work too much pressure, so the holiday to sleeping outside in addition to not have the energy to do anything else. But I think this is not the case in other countries, study abroad and work patterns of different patterns and China, people work and leisure time are abundant, so people should travel during the holidays at home rather than go to bed.-----我认识的许多人都喜欢在假期睡觉,因为平时的工作和学习都很忙,假期也很少,人们工作压力太大了,所以到了假期除了睡觉以外没有精力干别的事了。但我觉得其他国家不是这样,国外的学习模式和工作模式和中国不同,人们工作和休闲的时间都很充裕,所以人们应该是在假期去旅游而不是在家睡觉。

From the first moment I met you, I just felt we will be together after, that's what I must to tell you.

Now Ijust want a chance, a chance that treat you kind, and that chance only can given by you, would you like to give me ?

100% correct!

use to chase girls !?....glgl...^^

What I have to tell you is,That I know that we'll be together ever since the firt time we met.Now,all I'm asking for is just a chance,a chance to treat you well,and which can only be given by you.
will you give that chance?

From the beginning I saw you,I felt that we will be together,I have to tell you that.Now I need a chance,a chance that I will treat you well,and who can give me this chance?Absolutely,no one but you!Would you like to give me this chance?

I see you from the very beginning, we feel that we will together, I must tell you this. I am now an opportunity for a hello, but they can only be the opportunity you give, you give me this chance?这个就是正确的

I know, at the first sight;
I shall be with you.
as I can't bear to tell;

I need, as I always do,
A chance to take care of my baby.
Yes it's only you,

Will I have the pleasure?


The first sight with you, I feel we mean to be together. Hereby, there is one thing I should tell you, I need a chance, a chance to treat you well which it's unique for you, will you approve my heart?

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